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Miscarriage and the Confusion of Sinful Grief: A Response

I stumbled upon an article entitled Miscarriage and the Confusion of Sinful Grief that was posted at the Reformed Christian website "The Gospel Coalition".Jamie Carlson (who recently miscarried) wrote the post as a reflection on sin and grief.

Just like the life cycle feeds off of death, so does the news cycle. Anything that has a degree of tragedy usually finds its way onto the national and/or international news. In principle, many of us realize that “if it makes the news, we don’t have to worry about it” (because the news is by definition exceptional), but unfortunately the news ends up normalizing tragic deaths, causing us to have unreasonable fears.

I think the purest of souls, those with the most fragile of hearts, must be meant for a short life. They can't be tethered or held in your palm.

Healed by Grief

While the lack of sanitary pumping locations is a hurdle most moms encounter, especially when returning to work, it is a struggly most people assume that the Hollywood elite wouldn’t relate to. Time for the Oscars to start supporting moms
especially, as we’ve seen from the red carpet, there’s going to be a lot of new fabulous celebrity moms at next year’s show.

And that is how Spaghetti Toes Tumblr was born.

You can visit the Tumblr page, which combines either things Martin or his wife have said to their toddler daughter or things that she has said to them.

The playful designs soon took off and this allowed for Spaghetti Toes to become a book! However, we are most excited about the family’s flourishing Etsy shop.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. From an Irish headstone.
Judith M. Freeman

Because the free (aka public health) funeral is, if not a well-kept secret, not something councils bang on about. Its minimalist aesthetic might make it irresistibly attractive to the middle classes.

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